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Om os / About us

I Passepartout Theatre Production arbejder vi med fokus på, at skabe varme, fantasifulde, tankevækkende og vedkommende teaterforestillinger for børn, unge og hele familien – med et interkulturelt og internationalt perspektiv.


Vi arbejder med nyskrevet dramatik og musik og eksperimenterer med former, teknikker og kombinationer – og i de interkulturelle samproduktioner ofte med udgangspunkt i traditionelle folkeeventyr eller klassikere med en universel bundklang.


Vi stiller høje krav til den kunstneriske kvalitet og har ambitionen for hver forestilling at form og indhold skal interagere og smelte sammen, så at den fremstår som enkel og lettilgængelig i sit udtryk.


Vi skaber oftest forestillinger for turné – i letvægtsformat og med små krav til omgivelserne.

At kunne spille forestillinger næsten hvor som helst, også på ukonventionelle og uventede steder giver et stort plus og åbner op i kontakten med publikum 


Vi har base i København og arbejder på rejsefod i et stærkt nationalt og internationalt netværk i flere langsigtede samarbejdsprojekter og konstellationer.


PTP har/har haft samarbejdsprojekter og co-produktioner med teatre og kunstnere i lande som Mali, Nepal, Uganda, Libanon, Kroatien, Uruguay, Burkina Faso, Tyrkiet, Litauen, Grønland, Kina, Sverige og Norge. 


Vi arbejder dedikeret og ambitiøst i de tværkulturelle projekter for at blive ved med at udfordre os selv såvel som publikum, traditioner, former og stile i scenekunsten. Vi ønsker at skabe synergier mellem forskellige kulturer og derigennem bidrage til en bedre interkulturel forståelse og respekt.


PTPs projekter foregår under ligeværdige former. Det er både helt og aldeles nødvendigt for en frugtbar proces og desuden en af grundprincipperne i vores filosofi og mål.

Alle samarbejdspartnere, uanset kulturel baggrund, social status og erfaring, lærer af hinanden i arbejdsprocessen og forestillingen.


​Den danske performer, dramatiker og sceneinstruktør Jacques Seferian Matthiessen stiftede PTP i 2007 sammen med dramaturg Peter Sloth. Jacques hade ved det tidspunkt allerede mere end 60 produktioner på sit CV og mange af dem i andre lande og kulturer. PTP – som profil og organisation – voksede frem som et naturligt resultat af erfaringer fra et utal interkulturelle samarbejder og projekter.


PTP er det første teater i Danmark med CSR-stempel!

In Passepartout Theatre Production, we work with focus on creating warm, thoughtful, relevant and imaginative Theater performances for children, youth and the whole family – with an intercultural and international perspective.

We work with new drama and music and experiment with new forms, techniques and combinations. In the in intercultural co-productions we often work with traditional fairy tales or classics with a universal theme.


We place high standards of the artistic quality and have the ambition for every single performance that the form and content should interact and merge into one unit, so that it appears simple and accessible in its expression.

Mostly we create performances for touring – lightweight and with little demands.

We have a special goal with this kind of performances; to perform at unconventional and unexpected places increases the availability and opportunities for Performing Arts and audience to meet with open mind and heart.

We have our base in Copenhagen and work as ‘nomads’ in a strong and lively national and international network in several long-term collaborations.

We have/have had collaboration projects and have made co-productions with theatres and colleagues in countries as Mali, Nepal, Uganda, Lebanon, Croatia, Uruguay, Burkina Faso, Turkey, Lithuania, Greenland, China, Sweden and Norway.

We are ambitiously working with the professional cross-cultural projects and meetings to keep on challenging ourselves,, but also the audience, the forms, styles and traditions of Performing Arts. We wish to create synergies between different cultures and, thereby contribute to a better intercultural understanding and respect. 

A PTP cooperation project takes place under equal forms. It is necessary for a fruitful process and also a crucial point of our philosophy and goal. All collaborators, despite of cultural background, social status and experience learn from each other in the working process and in the performance.

The Danish actor, play writer and theatre director Jacques Seferian Matthiessen founded PTP in 2007, Jacques had at that time already more than 60 theater productions at his CV and many of them in other countries and cultures. PTP – as mind-set and organization - was born as a natural development and result of many experiences from several intercultural collaborations and projects.

PTP is the first theater in Denmark with a CSR-stamp!

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Jacques Seferian Matthiessen


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PTP Administration

Karin Ahnfelt-Rønne


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PTP Board / PTP Board

Thomas Skielboe



Madeleine Røn Juul

Theatre director


Thomas Gammeltoft



PTP Samarbejdspartnere / PTP Partners & Collaborators

Kollegaer i produktioner/ Collegues in productions

Lene Hummelshøj, Christian Q. Clausen, Finn Rye Petersen, Olaf Højgaard, Fredrik Lundin, Ole Højer Hansen, Issa Ouadraogo, Sif Jessen Hymøller, Anya Sass, Gaia Rosborg, Christine Gaski Agger, Torben Snekkestad, Søren Møller Pedersen, Marie Sehlin, Charles Wattara, Gérard K. Ouédraogo, Malene Bjelke, Carl Press, Adeline Badolo, Doussa Tenin, Berthe Idrissa, Eymard Evariste Ouili, Martynas Lukosius, Kristian Knudsen, Pernille Plantener Holst, Peter Holst, Line Krogh, Walid Dakroub, Lisa Gertum Becker, Ekaterina Demidova Dakroub, Rita Khawand, Karim Dakroub, Rolf Søborg Hansen, Anette Eggert, Claus Carlsen, Mirel Huskic, Jan Novosel, Jakov Gavran, Petra Held, Hana Letica, Marlene Smith, Donna Cadogan, Patrick Mangeni, Lillian Mbabazi, Juliet Nantambi, Sunil Pokharel, Thomas Corneliussen, Mads Erichsen, Madeleine Røn Juul, Martine Madsen, Joel Illerhag, Ellen Anhfelt-Rønne, 

Grupper og Organisationer / Groupes and Organizations

ASSITEJ Denmark and International, UNIMA, GLOBAL CSR, Le Cartel/Burkina Faso, Téâtre Éclair/Burkina Faso, Théâtre Soleil/Burkina Faso, Antalya Theatre/Turkey, Mandala Theatre/Nepal, Aarohan Theatre/Gurukul Culture Centre/Nepal, Khayal Theatre Association/Lebanon, Yu Theatre,/China, Teater Joker,/Norway, Teater- og Koncerthuset Kilden/Norway, SEANSE/Norway, Unga Malmö Stadsteater/Sweden, Landskrona Teater/Kommun/Sweden, La Rueda Teatro/Uruguay, Theatre Village/Nepal, Makerere University/Uganda, Actors Studio/Nepal, Teatriukas/Lithuania, Acting Up!/Ireland-Lithuania, Mala Scena/Croatia, HamletScenen/Denmark, Røde Kors/Denmark, Mellemfolkelig Samvirke/Denmark, 

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