PTP er et internationalt og interkulturelt teater med fokus på teater for hele familien, børn og unge.
Vi arbejder i et stort og dedikeret netværk fra Danmark til Afrika, Kina og Sydamerika for at med ubegrænset kunstnerisk appetit skabe ny, skøn, kvalitativ og vedkommende scenekunst som flytter tanker og grænser, som åbner øjne og sind - for en styrket mellemmenneskelig, interkulturel dialog, forståelse og respekt.
Her på vores side finder du aktuelle forestillinger og et udvalg af tidligere produktioner og projekter.
Klik her, for at følge Passepartout Theatre Production på Facebook for flere opdateringer and nyheder
PTP is an international and intercultural theater focusing on theater for the whole family, children and young people.
We work in a large and dedicated network from Denmark to Africa, China and South America to create new, wonderful, qualitative and relevant performing arts with unlimited artistic appetite. Theater that move thoughts and boundaries, open eyes and minds - for an enhanced human, intercultural dialogue, understanding and respect.
Here on our site you will find current performances and a selection of previous productions and projects.
Click here, to follow Passepartout Theatre Production on Facebook for more updates and news
PTP er godkendt Corporate Social Responsible (CSR)
PTP er medlem af ASSITEJ Danmark og UNIMA Danmark
PTP har modtaget støtte fra: Statens Kunstfond, CKU/DCCD, Nordic Culture Fund, Nordic Culture Point, Kulturbryggan, Dansk Artist Forbund, FDS/Foreningen af Danske Sceneinstruktører, Dansk Skuespillerforbund, Danske Dramatikere, BUPL, Københavns Kommune, Frederiksberg Fonden, Anna Lindh Foundation, Dronning Margrethe and Prins Henriks Fund, Sportgoodsfonden, The Danish Embassy in Beirut/Lebanon, The Danish Embassy in Ouagadougou/Burkina Faso, The Danish Embassy in Zagreb/Croatia, The Danish Embassy in Dar es-Salaam/Tanzania, The Danish Embassy in Katmandu/Nepal, The Danish Embassy in Kampala/Uganda
PTP is approved Corporate Social Responsible (CSR)
PTP is a member of ASSITEJ Denmark and UNIMA Denmark
PTP has received support from: Danish Art Foundation, CKU/DCCD, Nordic Culture Fund, Nordic Culture Point, Kulturbryggan, Dansk Artist Forbund, FDS/Foreningen af Danske Sceneinstruktører, Dansk Skuespillerfobund, Danske Dramatikere, BUPL, Københavns Kommune, Frederiksberg Fonden, Anna Lindh Foundation, Dronning Margrethe and Prins Henriks Fund, Sportgoodsfonden, The Danish Embassy in Beirut/Lebanon, The Danish Embassy in Ouagadougou/Burkina Faso, The Danish Embassy in Zagreb/Croatia, The Danish Embassy in Dar es-Salaam/Tanzania, The Danish Embassy in Katmandu/Nepal, The Danish Embassy in Kampala/Uganda